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Farm Animals and Farmer - rigged models and animations

(Horses, Cows/Bulls, Goats, Sheeps, Dogs, Cats, Hens, Roosters, Ducks, Farmer)

Animations,  models and basic documentation:

Farmer video  

Animals video

Framer: 25 animations in place, 4 root motion

Horse x3 , Cowx3, Bull x2, Goat x2, Sheep x2:

  1. idle
  2.  idle variation
  3. walk forward 
  4. walk forward root motion
  5. walk backward 
  6. walk backward root motion
  7. trot forward 
  8. trot forward root motion
  9. run forward 
  10. run forward root motion
  11. eating 
  12. attack
  13. turn left 90 root motion
  14. turn right 90 root motion
  15. shuffle left
  16. shuffle right
  17. stand to sit
  18. idle sitting
  19. sit to stand 
  20. hit reaction
  21. death
  22. eyes blink (additive)

Pig x1:

  1. idle
  2.  idle variation
  3. walk forward
  4. walk forward root motion
  5. walk backward 
  6. walk backward root motion
  7. run forward 
  8. run forward root motion
  9. eating
  10. attack
  11. turn left 90 root motion
  12. turn right 90 root motion
  13. shuffle left
  14. shuffle right
  15. stand to sit
  16. idle sitting
  17. sit to stand, 
  18. hit reaction
  19. death
  20. eyes blink (additive)

Dog x2 :

  1. idle
  2. walk forward
  3. walk forward root motion
  4. walk backward 
  5. walk backward root motion
  6. run forward 
  7. run forward root motion
  8. eating
  9. Attack
  10. Bark
  11. turn left 90 root motion
  12. turn right 90 root motion
  13. shuffle left
  14. shuffle right
  15. stand to sit
  16. idle sitting
  17. sit to stand, 
  18. hit reaction
  19. death
  20. eyes blink (additive)

Cat x3 :

  1. idle
  2. idle sit
  3. idle stretching/yawning
  4. walk forward
  5. walk forward root motion
  6. walk backward 
  7. walk backward root motion
  8. run forward 
  9. run forward root motion
  10. eating
  11. Attack
  12. turn left 90 root motion
  13. turn right 90 root motion
  14. shuffle left
  15. shuffle right
  16. stand to sit
  17. idle sitting
  18. sit to stand, 
  19. hit reaction
  20. death
  21. jump start
  22. jump air loop
  23. jump land to idle
  24. jump land to run
  25. eyes blink (additive)

Hen x2, Rooster x2, Duck x3

  1. idle
  2.  idle variation
  3. swim idle
  4. swim eating
  5. swim forward
  6. swim forward root motion
  7. walk forward
  8. walk forward root motion
  9. walk backward
  10. walk backward root motion 
  11. run forward
  12. run forward root motion 
  13. eating
  14. stand to sit
  15. sit idle
  16. sit to stand
  17. attack
  18. turn left 90 root motion
  19. turn right 90 root motion
  20. shuffle left
  21. shuffle right
  22. hit reaction
  23. death
  24. eyes blink (additive)

  1. One single simple texture
  2. Goat and Sheep share same skeleton and animations
  3. Horses share same skeleton and animations
  4. Cows and Bulls share same skeleton and animations
  5. Birds share same skeleton and animations
  6. Dogs share same skeleton and animations
  7. Ready to add to game engine
  8. Root Motion is placed on Base_joint for ANIMALS
  9. Root Motion is placed on Root for Farmer
  10. This asset pack might get future updates until will be a complete farm pack.

Asset Support, feedback, requests : ursa.animation@gmail.com


Buy Now$24.99 USD or more

In order to download this asset pack you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $24.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

UrsaFarmPack.zip 15 MB

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